Hall of Fame Inductee

Iva Pembridge Jarvis
Between 1950 and 1966 Iva Pembridge Jarvis captured 39 women’s trophies during Grand American Week, including six Doubles Championships, three Clay Target, five All-Around and four High-Over-All, retiring the King trophy for a three-time win in the last-named competition. She also was women’s Champion of Champions winner in 1953, ‘54, ‘57 and ‘58, the last year with 100 straight.
During that time she set a record for women in the H-O-A, which was tied 15 years later but which was never beaten. She was the first woman to break 200 straight at the Grand. She also is the only woman in ATA history to have broken 200 straight four times and the first woman in the ATA to break 99 in doubles. Her 200s were at the Texas State Shoot in 1954, the Golden West Grand in 1956, the Grand American that same year and at her Kansas western zone shoot in 1960. With the 99 in doubles she won the men’s twin-bird title at the Golden West Grand, in 1959. She also became the first woman to win the Golden West Grand Handicap, with 99 from 23 yards, and she holds the record-high women’s average in singles, .9815, and doubles, .9283. Her 200 in 1954 at the Texas State Shoot helped her win the non-resident H-O-A over all the men, and it gave her a long run of 354, a registered record for women that stood until 1972, when it was surpassed by six birds.
Iva Pembridge Jarvis led women’s singles averages six times—in ‘53, ‘54, ‘56, ‘57, ‘58 and ‘60—and the doubles an equal number—in 1951 through ‘55 and 1959. She placed on 12 consecutive All-America teams from ‘49 to ‘61. being captain or co-captain eight times. She also won T&F’s All-Around Average Award for women in 1960. After a six-year layoff, she won her third Clay Target Championship, her sixth Doubles Championship and finished third in the Champion of Champions at the Grand, in 1966.
An honorary member of the Kansas All-Sport Hall of Fame (the only woman to be so honored), Iva Jarvis won her first of 14 Kansas women’s singles championships in ‘49 and the latest in ‘75. She also won four men’s Kansas titles—the singles in ‘52 and ‘58 and the doubles in ‘55 and ‘60. Southwestern Zone women's singles championships came to the Phillipsburg, Kan. school teacher in 1954 and 1959.