George Kleinman of Chicago won the first challenge in the early 1890s. The medal was contested until 1902 when J. A. R. Elliottdefended it for the 5th and final time. He won the medal in 1899 by defeating Rolla Heikes 95-94.

George Kleinman

This medal was emblematic of the live bird championship of America, the contest being at 100 live birds (pigeons). The idea of the medal originated with Doc Carver, and plans for placing it in competition were perfected in Chicago in the early 1890s. John L. Brewer and other notables being present with the originator at the time. The first shoot was an open one, held at John Watson's Park, Chicago, and was won by George Kleinman, a local celebrity. Doc Carver challenged the winner and took the medal and forfeit of $25.00 by default, refusing to allow Mr. Kleinman three days of grace to recover from an illness which had confined him to his bed. Charles Grimm immediately challenged Carver and defeated him. The writer has been unable to get a complete record of this trophy. Early in its history the contests for possession were numerous, but of late years, owing to the decline of live bird shooting at the traps, the interest has died out, and the trophy is now in the possession of Mr. J. A. R Elliott. (The HOF obtained the long lost medal in 2001)
D. H. Eaton, Trapshooting, The Patriotic Sport, Sportsmen's Review Publishing Company, 1920, Page 178
1897, December 6 - Watson's Park, Chicago
R. 0 Heikes
91 Winner
C. M. Grimm
1898, January 1 - Dayton, Ohio
R. O. Heikes
93 Winner
C. M. Grimm
1898, February 22 - Dayton, Ohio
R. O. Heikes
91 Winner
C. W. Budd
1898, August 27 - Eau Claire, Wisconsin
R. O. Heikes
99 Winner
Fred Gilbert
(Heikes lost his 11th bird, and then made a run of 89 straight.)
1898, October 21- Nashville, Tennessee
R. O. Heikes
96 Winner
William Elliston
1899, July 21 - Kent, Ohio
R. O. Heikes
J. A. R. Elliott
95 Winner Medal changed hands.
(Elliott lost his 22d, 57th, 60th, 91st and 95th birds. Heikes lost his 21st, '30th, 31st, 40th, 58th and 75th birds.)
1899, September 21 - Yardsville, New Jersey
J. A. R. Elliott
93 Winner
Charles Zwirlein
1899, October 26 - Nashville, Tennessee
J. A. R. Elliott
99 Winner
J. D. B. DeBow
1900, October 20 - Richmond, Virginia
J. A. R. Elliott
98 Winner
Fred Gilbert
1900, December 27 - Kansas City, , Missouri
J. A. R. Elliott
96 Winner
W. R. Crosbyt
1902, April 25 - Omaha, Nebraska
J. A. R. Elliott
97 Winner
Fred Gilbert