Hall of Fame Inductee

E. W. Woodward
In 1933 E. F. Woodward of Houston, Tex. set a yearly ATA 16-yard average record of .9950 that was not broken or tied until 1965, 22 years after his death. He was also the singles leader three times prior to his record-setting year. In 1928 he paced the standings with .9803, two years later he topped the 16s with 99.05%, and in 1931 he broke .9981 as high in the association.
Woodward captured the Texas State 16-yard title six times, smashing perfect 200s to win in 1931 and 1939, and in 1941 and ‘42 he tied for the crown but forfeited in favor of younger shooters. He also was the state’s 1931 doubles champion, and he won seven all-around titles from 1924 to 1932.
In 1926 Woodward finished second in the Clay Target Championship at the Grand and two years later was runner-up in the Champion of Champions race. In 1930 he broke 197x200 and 25 in overtime for the CofC crown. Woodward was the Vandalia Open king in 1933 with 199.
Woodward, a president of the Texas State association and founder of the Houston Gun Club, placed on All-American teams in 1927, 1928, 1930, 1931 and 1933.