Hall of Fame Inductee

Kay Ohye
1965 was Kay Ohye’s first year on the trapline. He registered 1,450 singles, 1,050 handicap, I50 doubles and attended his first Grand. By the end of 1994 he had won 45 Grand American trophies, 47 Satellite Grand awards, 18 ATA Eastern Division championships, 45 New Jersey titles, and 12 Golden West Grand trophies.
His championship wins at the Grand American began in 1970 where he won the top AA prize in Singles Class with 200 plus 174 in shootoff and 50 in carryover. He repeated that victory in 1981, finished third in 1982 and 1984, all after breaking 200s. He has a total of seventeen 200 straights during Grand American competition.
In his second season of registered competition. Kay won his home state handicap and all-around crowns. He has amassed 10 singles, 3 handicap, 12 doubles, and 20 all-around championships in New Jersey, setting and breaking records en route.
The 1995 men’s All-America captain, Ohye was named to his first All America team in 1970. He’s been on 25 of them since. He and Deborah are the second father-daughter duo to be named to All-America teams the same year, and they have achieved it for the past seven seasons.
Kay first headed ATA singles standings on 2,500 targets or more in 1982 with .9968, and 1993 with .9966. He has broken 200 straights on 105 occasions and has averaged .9950 or more on a minimum of 2,500 targets 14 times since 1970. His lifetime percentage on 147,050 registered singles is .9887 with four runs of 1,000 or more during major tournament competition.
He set an ATA doubles average high of .9807 in 1983, and he was also leader in 1993 with .9843. From 1971 through the end of the 1994 season, Kay had entered 82 perfect doubles scores. He has a lifetime doubles average of .9648 on 80,500 targets and three season averages of 98& or above.
Ohye has registered 100 from the 27-yard line seven times. The first was July 11, 1976 with which he achieved his Grand Slam (200 singles, 100 handicap from 27 yards, and 100 doubles). He was the 12th ATA shooter to earn this distinction.
He earned from 20 to 26 yards in three months during 1966 just one year after entering the sport. His lifetime average on 121,650 targets is .9236, with .9498 on 5,500 in 1990, his best year.
Kay has earned six Trap & Field All-Around Average Awards since 1981. Kay Ohye, now 54, conducts trapshooting clinics and has a business which offers instructional videos, guns, and other shooting related products.